Best Free Ftp Mac

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My today’s post is going to be devoted to FTP clients that are most widely recognized and popular today. All of them are available either for free or on a paid-for basis depending on the pricing plan you choose.

What is FTP and how to use it?

FTP is a file transfer protocol that allows you to upload the files from your local device to your WordPress website. FTP is used when the file is not possible to be uploaded directly to the media library through the standard functionality of the WP dashboard (Media -> Add New).

5 Best FTP Clients. Cyberduck is one of the most preferred FTP Client Software by Mac users. Ask any developer the best FTP Client Software, Cyberduck will be at the top of their preferences. Cyberduck has many features which makes it their first preference. Firstly, it is absolutely free of cost. This is free FTP client that works on both Mac and Windows. It is simple and very easy to use. It supports both FTPS and SFTP. FTPS is a secure protocol which uses SSL. FTPS uses two connections. SFTP adds a layer to the FTP protocol. It uses only one connection.

FTP is required when you can’t access your website dashboard (plugin error is displayed instead of the admin login area, etc.) and you have to make changes in your WordPress website files to fix the error and enter your dashboard.

For instance, you can use FTP to fix the white screen error in WordPress, although FTP is required for only 1 of 5 possible methods to repair your website when such a problem occurs.

I personally use FTP when I need to upload a zip freebie to my WP blog or when I need to upload a product to the Envato market. At the market I use the personal auto-generated API key instead of the password.

You can also use FTP if you want to make a backup or restore some files on your server, rename or delete files from your website, etc.

Sometimes you need to rename a ‘plugins’ folder or make changes to the wp-config.php file through FTP to fix the error establishing a database connection.

How to enter a website through FTP?

Let’s see you are a member of a support team of any theme or plugin developer and your customer experiences some problems with the product they have purchased from you and installed on their website.

If the problem requires entering their website through FTP you should ask a customer to provide you with the following data: host, username, password, port, and the preferred encryption method. This data is enough for entering the server of any website and managing its files.

But where exactly should you enter this data? Of course, you need a reliable FTP client which is a desktop app that connects your PC to a WordPress hosting account.

Such clients have an intuitive user interface that allows you to upload, delete, rename, and edit website files. For me, it looks like a well-known old-school Total Commander.

Best FTP Clients to Use

So, please see a list of the best FTP clients you can use to enter the server of your own website or any other website required.

1. FileZilla

FileZilla is probably the most widely utilized software that is mostly used by website owners to connect to their servers. This is a cross-platform client that is going to perfectly work on Mac Os X, Windows, and Linux.

It is an FTP, SFTP, and FTPS app which has the dynamic tools helpful for moving files from your local device to your web server and vice versa. It also allows editing the server files remotely as well as browsing between servers and move files to both of them simultaneously.

Pricing Options: Free version.

2. Winscp

Winscp is a great FTP solution for those who use the Windows operating system. It is an SFTP software which can help you to easily connect to a remote server using FTP and then make all common operations with files both on your local machine and your server.

To create a connection between a local computer and a remote server the client uses file transfer protocols like FTP, FTPS, SCP, SDTP, WebDAV, and S3.

Pricing Options: Free version.

3. Cyberduck

Cyberduck is a server and cloud storage browser which supports both Windows and Mac platforms. It supports the protocols of FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, OpenStack Swift, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox.

This is the one of not numerous solutions that not only transfers files from local to online servers but also connects to the third-party storage servers. You can easily copy, synchronize, download, and upload files as well as make other standard operations utilizing the client’s intuitive interface.

Pricing Options: Free version available; free-trial available; paid version options start at $10.00 as a one-time payment, per user.

4. Transmit 5

Transmit 5 is a file-transfer application available only for Mac OS users. It connects to 11 cloud services including Backblaze B2, Box, Google Drive, DreamObjects, Dropbox, Microsoft Azure, and Rackspace Cloud Files.

It handles the protocols like FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, and S3, so you can use its simple and intuitive user interface to easily upload, download, and manage files on a number of servers out there.

Pricing Options: Free version available; paid version costs $45.

5. ForkLift 3

ForkLift is another cool FTP app for Mac. It allows us to easily connect to SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, Backblaze B2, Google Drive, Rackspace Cloud Files, SMB, AFP, and NFS remote servers with no effort.

Try it to easily manage your files across the networks. This is a great solution that helps to connect to multiple servers simultaneously and copy files between them using the drag-and-drop functionality.


Pricing Options: Free trial available; paid plans include: Single-User License for $9.95, Family License for $16.95, and Small Business License for $33.95.

Well, I hope you find this post helpful and you’ll be able to choose the appropriate FTP client for your needs and your preferable platform.

Hi! I’m an experienced writer exploring WordPress for more than 5 years. I’m happy to share my knowledge and ideas with you and I hope you join me.

Melany H.

Download FireFTP for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 215 downloads this month. Download FireFTP latest version 2021. In the Cloud Shell, create a web app in the myAppServicePlan App Service plan with the az webapp create command. In the following example, replace app-name with a globally unique app name (valid characters are a-z, 0-9, and -). The runtime is set to PHP 7.4. To see all supported runtimes, run az webapp list-runtimes. Manage your files quickly across local drives and remote servers with ease. ForkLift is a robust FTP/SFTP/WebDAV/Amazon S3/Backblaze B2/Google Drive/Rackspace Cloud Files client and a powerful and versatile file manager. An FTP server is what an FTP client connects to for file transfers. There are lots of FTP servers available but many of them are only usable at a cost. Below is a list of the very best freeware FTP server programs that run on Windows, macOS, and Linux—you can download and use them to share files as often as you like without paying a dime. Core Improved: add HTTP/FTP multi-connection download function Core Improved: add HTTP/FTP multi-connection download disk cache function Core Bugfix: fix the bug in 0.74 that in rare situation program will crash due to file operation v0.74 2006.10.14 GUI Improved: add default settings of view size and list col width for common screen resolutions.


Azure App Service provides a highly scalable, self-patching web hosting service. This quickstart tutorial shows how to deploy a PHP app to Azure App Service on Windows.

Azure App Service provides a highly scalable, self-patching web hosting service. This quickstart tutorial shows how to deploy a PHP app to Azure App Service on Linux.

You create the web app using the Azure CLI in Cloud Shell, and you use Git to deploy sample PHP code to the web app.

You can follow the steps here using a Mac, Windows, or Linux machine. Once the prerequisites are installed, it takes about five minutes to complete the steps.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.


To complete this quickstart:

Download the sample locally

In a terminal window, run the following commands. This will clone the sample application to your local machine, and navigate to the directory containing the sample code.

Run the app locally

Run the application locally so that you see how it should look when you deploy it to Azure. Open a terminal window and use the php command to launch the built-in PHP web server.

Open a web browser, and navigate to the sample app at http://localhost:8080.

You see the Hello World! message from the sample app displayed in the page.

In your terminal window, press Ctrl+C to exit the web server.

Use Azure Cloud Shell

Azure hosts Azure Cloud Shell, an interactive shell environment that you can use through your browser. You can use either Bash or PowerShell with Cloud Shell to work with Azure services. You can use the Cloud Shell preinstalled commands to run the code in this article without having to install anything on your local environment.

To start Azure Cloud Shell:

Select Try It in the upper-right corner of a code block. Selecting Try It doesn't automatically copy the code to Cloud Shell.
Go to, or select the Launch Cloud Shell button to open Cloud Shell in your browser.
Select the Cloud Shell button on the menu bar at the upper right in the Azure portal.

To run the code in this article in Azure Cloud Shell:

  1. Start Cloud Shell.

  2. Select the Copy button on a code block to copy the code.

  3. Paste the code into the Cloud Shell session by selecting Ctrl+Shift+V on Windows and Linux or by selecting Cmd+Shift+V on macOS.

  4. Select Enter to run the code.

Configure a deployment user

FTP and local Git can deploy to an Azure web app by using a deployment user. Once you configure your deployment user, you can use it for all your Azure deployments. Your account-level deployment username and password are different from your Azure subscription credentials.

To configure the deployment user, run the az webapp deployment user set command in Azure Cloud Shell. Replace <username> and <password> with a deployment user username and password.

  • The username must be unique within Azure, and for local Git pushes, must not contain the ‘@’ symbol.
  • The password must be at least eight characters long, with two of the following three elements: letters, numbers, and symbols.

The JSON output shows the password as null. If you get a 'Conflict'. Details: 409 error, change the username. If you get a 'Bad Request'. Details: 400 error, use a stronger password.

Record your username and password to use to deploy your web apps.

Create a resource group

A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources, such as web apps, databases, and storage accounts, are deployed and managed. For example, you can choose to delete the entire resource group in one simple step later.

In the Cloud Shell, create a resource group with the az group create command. The following example creates a resource group named myResourceGroup in the West Europe location. To see all supported locations for App Service in Free tier, run the az appservice list-locations --sku FREE command.

You generally create your resource group and the resources in a region near you.

When the command finishes, a JSON output shows you the resource group properties.

Create a resource group

A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources, such as web apps, databases, and storage accounts, are deployed and managed. For example, you can choose to delete the entire resource group in one simple step later.

In the Cloud Shell, create a resource group with the az group create command. The following example creates a resource group named myResourceGroup in the West Europe location. To see all supported locations for App Service on Linux in Basic tier, run the az appservice list-locations --sku B1 --linux-workers-enabled command.

You generally create your resource group and the resources in a region near you.

When the command finishes, a JSON output shows you the resource group properties.

Create an Azure App Service plan

In the Cloud Shell, create an App Service plan with the az appservice plan create command.

The following example creates an App Service plan named myAppServicePlan in the Free pricing tier:

When the App Service plan has been created, the Azure CLI shows information similar to the following example:

Best Free Ftp App For Mac

Create a web app

In the Cloud Shell, create a web app in the myAppServicePlan App Service plan with the az webapp create command.

In the following example, replace <app-name> with a globally unique app name (valid characters are a-z, 0-9, and -). The runtime is set to PHP|7.4. To see all supported runtimes, run az webapp list-runtimes.


Best Free Ftp Server Mac

The stop-parsing symbol (--%), introduced in PowerShell 3.0, directs PowerShell to refrain from interpreting input as PowerShell commands or expressions.

When the web app has been created, the Azure CLI shows output similar to the following example:

You've created an empty new web app, with git deployment enabled.


The URL of the Git remote is shown in the deploymentLocalGitUrl property, with the format https://<username>@<app-name><app-name>.git. Save this URL as you need it later.

Browse to your newly created web app. Replace <app-name> with your unique app name created in the prior step.

Free Ftp App For Mac

Here is what your new web app should look like:

Push to Azure from Git

Back in the local terminal window, add an Azure remote to your local Git repository. Replace <deploymentLocalGitUrl-from-create-step> with the URL of the Git remote that you saved from Create a web app.

Ftp Server Mac Os X

Push to the Azure remote to deploy your app with the following command. When Git Credential Manager prompts you for credentials, make sure you enter the credentials you created in Configure a deployment user, not the credentials you use to sign in to the Azure portal.

This command may take a few minutes to run. While running, it displays information similar to the following example:

Browse to the app

Browse to the deployed application using your web browser.

The PHP sample code is running in an Azure App Service web app.

Congratulations! You've deployed your first PHP app to App Service.

Update locally and redeploy the code

Best Free Mac Ftp Client 2020

Using a local text editor, open the index.php file within the PHP app, and make a small change to the text within the string next to echo:

In the local terminal window, commit your changes in Git, and then push the code changes to Azure.

Best Free Ftp App For Mac

Once deployment has completed, return to the browser window that opened during the Browse to the app step, and refresh the page.

Manage your new Azure app

Ftp Client For Mac

Free Ftp Server Software For Mac

  1. Go to the Azure portal to manage the web app you created. Search for and select App Services.

  2. Select the name of your Azure app.

    Your web app's Overview page will be displayed. Here, you can perform basic management tasks like Browse, Stop, Restart, and Delete.

    The web app menu provides different options for configuring your app.

Clean up resources

In the preceding steps, you created Azure resources in a resource group. If you don't expect to need these resources in the future, delete the resource group by running the following command in the Cloud Shell:

Free Ftp App For Mac

This command may take a minute to run.

Next steps

Best Free Ftp Mac

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